To: Town Commission
From: Micah Maxwell, Town Manager
Date: 11/23/2015
Approval of Water Line Engineering Proposal
The Proposal is For Deuel and Associates to engineer the replacement of water lines on Melenbacher Road.End
Previous Commission Action:
Background/Problem Discussion:
Pinellas County will be doing roadway and stormwater improvements along Melenbacher Road east of Indian Rocks Road. Before you is a proposal to engineer waterline replacement along Melenbacher Road while construction is taking place.
Expenditure Challenges It is unknown what the cost of changing methods for cutting will be, but it is anticipated that the use of the sickle arm will reduce our current maintenance budget.
Financial Implications: The proposal amount is $33,000
Recommendation: Staff recommends approval
Proposed Motion I move approval of the water line replacement engineering proposal from Deuel and Associates in the amount of $33,000.
Attachments: .